Working with each individual to create the best possible experience. No two sessions look the same. Flexibility is key to creating your unique experience. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. I’m committed to working out solutions, whether for economic or heart reasons.

Remote Energy Healing + Intuitive Reading

In our 1:1 remote sessions, we connect energetically, Identifying any potential blockages, clearing your energy field, and balancing and aligning your energy points.
This one-hour energy session is followed by an intuitive reading that explores where you presently stand and what may be in the way of your truth and the next iteration of yourself

80 Min - $ 250

Breathwork Session

Whether you're seeking stress relief, emotional clearing, or a renewed sense of purpose, the 1-hour breathwork session offers a powerful pathway to come further into your body.
We will harness the inner power of conscious breathing to access heightened states of awareness, release stagnant energy, and restore balance to your mind.

Intro Session - $100

Ongoing - $150

Intuitive Reading

In 40 minutes, we discover what is at the threshold of your life. This is not a psychic reading or a future-telling session. I focus on the present and what you are holding at a soul level at this time. Most likely you have heard what I will share, but it is the realignment and knowing that you continue to take steps in the right direction. This session can bring you insights, emotional support, and actionable guidance.

40 Min - $240

Family Pattern Clearing

Ever had a repetitive pattern in your life that felt like a deeper situation? You can’t explain it, yet it continues to happen: you keep attracting the “same” person,  you can’t get ahead financially, feel unworthy or stagnant? This is a two-hour exploration that identifies a repeating pattern that has been passed down ancestrally. This session focuses on and clears beliefs that have been passed down generationally and affect your present Finances, relationships, personal goals, gifts, and healing abilities. The goal is to fully clear situations that are not in alignment with who you want to be in this world.

2 Part / 2 hour Session $230

In Person Session

In our in-person sessions, we embark on a deeper journey of connection and energy work. You will set an intention for our time together, and we will dive into the stated above or see how to best support you. Additionally, we explore the realms of your life, seeking insights into past-life influences, and delve into your family lineage to identify any energetic obstacles. In-person is always preferred as we have an opportunity to connect at a deeper level. ‘I’m based in Santa Fe, NM, but I travel often. Sign up for my newsletter to find out when I’ll be near you.

1 hour - $250


An intimate container for you and your loved ones to bring in the baby spirit. A beautiful ceremony to celebrate you stepping into motherhood and having a beautiful community holding you and the baby. This is an intimate gathering, a beautiful ritual, where we come together as women to release the role of Maiden and step into motherhood. All we need is the list of people who you want to attend and where you want this celebration of life to happen. We’ll take care of the rest.

Global Circles

Welcome to Global Circles 

As a charter member, you’ll get access to all this for just $33/month:

The Community:

Monthly breath, movement, and other courses

A private Telegram channel with astrological and energetic updates as well as affirmations

Discounts for events, workshops, and classes

As well as first-come for all events

Private Instagram Channel 

Member Highlights 

Come Showcase what you are up to and have a whole community behind you 

Invited Speakers

Yearly in-person retreat 

In-person workshops 

The community is called Global Circles: a circle is inclusive and, well, we want it to connect people all over the world! The intention is to create circles encompassing various themes, teachings, and communities, bringing together all ages, cultures, backgrounds, and genders. You’ll be introduced to like-minded people who share similar visions and heart-centered leadership. Ideally, it will evolve organically; I’d love to hear what’s important to you to keep it relevant.

Get in touch if you’d like to book any other times that are not on the Calendar or need financial assistance.