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From her roots in Bogotá, Colombia, descended from educators, artists, and writers, Manuela is dedicated to her mission of exploring the connectivity between humans through ritual and healing. Gifted with incredible sensitivities, she believes we all are naturally born empaths. Her vision is to cultivate that ability, guiding those she works with toward a deeper understanding of themselves and the world. 

Her love for travel and photography has led her to 44 countries over the past decade. Her cultural immersions, as well as mentoring by First Nation elders, have informed her approach to renewing connection to spirit and opening the higher self by connecting people not only to themselves but to each other. 

Manuela holds a Masters in Human Development and Psychology with an emphasis in Global Education from Harvard University, where she was honored as a keynote speaker at several conferences based around diversity and her thesis on the transformative value of movement.  

She was a contributing author to the best-selling children’s book anthology “Brave Kids: Short Stories to Inspire Our Future World Changers," where her moving chapter on Courage brought the team to tears.  She's currently working on her next inspirational project, a poetic memoir, due out next year. 

Manuela has been a featured guest on several podcasts, including Shara Rose's Higher Self and Almost 30. 

She has spent two-thirds of her life studying healing modalities ranging from shamanistic studies, intuitive touch, intuition, crystal healing, aromatherapy, mediumship, dance and movement therapy, Reiki, breathwork, family constellations, craniosacral therapy and First Nations connection to Earth. For 15 of those 20 years, she has also run her own holistic healing practice. 

Her next (ad)venture is organizing and leading immersive travels to the countries that have left an imprint on her soul, promoting unity, diversity, and our core desire: to belong.